Before you start building you need to make sure you meet all site requirements. Preparing your site well to begin with means a much safer, more productive working environment. It also means minimising risk as you would have learnt about when studying for your health and safety certificate.
If your building block is not clearly identified by survey pegs, you cannon be certain that you are building on the correct block. A surveyor will survey your block for a reasonable cost. Better to be safe than sorry. The local shire council will normally request that the block has at least two survey pegs before they will release your plans.
You may apply direct to the local authority for the connection of water. Ensure that a licensed tradesman makes application for:
In accordance with the requirements set down by local council authorities and the Builders Registration Board, every building site must display (in a prominent position) an on-site sign. The sign must display: Owner Builders Permit Number, lot number and owners name.
In addition a safety sign will need to be erected - in some areas this is supplied to owner builders free of charge.
Site contours should have been checked and fall of land or site cuts should have been shown of the plans.
Storage areas for building materials.
All vegetation to be removed from building areas.
Builders profiles for the accurate location for all footings.
Local authorities will require the provision of a sanitary closet or 'portable toilet'. This can be hired from a hire centre.
Access for concrete trucks etc.
Power supply for initial electricity into your site by way of a Temporary Builders Pole or generator hire.
Water supply required for testing of under slab drainage and rough-in required for sub traders such as bricklayers, plasterer, tiler and painters.
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